Friday, February 4, 2011


"About 20 pages in you're reading about biological weapon tests in the South Pacific and you start thinking about all the stuff you breathe in everyday and how invisible it is and what a cinch it would be for some nutcase to turn your entire town into a Hot Zone...Don't Bother trying to convince yourself with the idea that this is a science fiction novel....Most of the science in this novel is fact."- The Miami Herald

I know this quote isn't necessarily from the actually story of the book it's just a review on the first page that I read before I started to read the actual story. I figured i'd choose this one because before actually beginning to read this novel I was reading some of the reviews and i got stuck on this one. As I was reading it the first thing that popped into my head was that this could be a much better version of the movie the Happening with Mark Wahlberg. I didn't like the plot to that movie because I didn't think it was very plausible but this book seems like it has the generally same idea just a much more believable story. Since this if my first post i figured it would be cool to look back at this post when i'm done and see if this comparison was at all close.

Author- Richard Preston
Title- The Cobra Event
Publisher- The Baltimore Publishing Group
Year- 1997

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