“That namelessness had made the old man seem somehow incomplete, unfinished.”
Among our society, names have become a label for people, something that they use to identify themselves. As a person you are just anyone, but with a name, you are who you say you are. It is as if our name constitutes who we are. Without a name, your identity is lost, and without an identity, you are surely not complete. The above quote encapsulates the phenomenon that is experienced when someone does not have a name perfectly. Furthermore, there are certain images that have missing elements that make it seem unfinished and incomplete. For example, the image below immediately made me think why the rest of it wasn’t colored in.Because we are used to seeing images completely filled in, it is as if we are meeting someone without a name; they are incomplete. Although the image is unique and beautiful, it positively looks incomplete and unfinished. Just as a person without a name arouses an element of mystery, the below image made me wonder why the artist decided not to color in the rest of the image.

David Eddings, Pawn of Prophecy (New York: Ballantine Books, 1982), page 34
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