" 'Or perhaps not', she said. 'I can manage this my own way. I don't need your police' (the constables in the outer room stirred uneasily; somebody laughed; somebody dropped a tin of boot polish). 'I've got my friends.' "
The way Ida expresses this comment is with a feeling of untrustworthy towards those who are named as the people who protect the city, to those the people w
ho call "crime fighters". There is no trust towards the police. This, quote reminded me of the situation that is happening in my country (Puerto Rico). The police have become the enemies, their corrupted system has earned them that. Students are fighting for a free education and the union of the government and the police are trying to stop us students from fighting in what we think is just. 'You trust no one, that is why you have friends and family, those are the people you trust'; it's what my mother would tell me every morning before going to the Univers
ity of Puerto Rico and having to encounter day after day the SWAT team and police preventing me of my right to enter the university and study. I felt tempted to use a photograph taken by a friend, the boy in the picture is a very good friend of mine, who during the strike, stood in front of the police with anger. It's what this quotes remind me of, and it hurts me not to be able to be there and fight with the rest of the 18,000 students who believe in the right of education.

Graham Greene, Brighton Rock, Penguin Books, 1977, p.80
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