Monday, February 21, 2011

Katie Faunce post #5

"When prayer seemed to fail, or didn't work fast enough, Peyton crawled inside a bottle of bourbon."

When I read this quote I thought to myself about all of the things that people hide behind. These can be physical barriers like walls or cars or emotional barriers like putting up a front when being around other people. Many people hide behind veils that hide their true emotions. They feel that this keeps them safe from the outside world. We tend to believe that we know the people around us pretty well but to what extent do we actually know them? Some hide their strengths and some hide their weaknesses and some hide personal problems that are causing them a lot of pain.

Hiding from the world behind a drug addiction can be very dangerous. It is a way for the person to think the addiction is ok because it makes them feel better than they usually do. I thought that this picture showed that sometimes people pick getting drunk over fixing their problems or just letting pain occur. The black letters are really prominent against the white background and it is taking over the entire painting. This is what alcohol can do when it becomes an escape which can lead to a severe addiction.

Murray Silver, Behind the Moss Curtain (Bonaventure, 2005), pg 79

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