The narrator opens the story describing that he is the man that obtains contraband items for his other inmates in prison. He is in prison for committing murder. One memorable item that he recalls is that of a sexual offender in prison that sculpted three sculptures of Jesus that were eventually sold off.
This quote and image stood out to me. It specifically stood out to me because of its ironic nature. A man, who is in prison for committing a heinous crime, and a sin, had created these beautiful sculptures of Jesus Christ. I found an image of what I imagined the third sculpture of the bearded Jesus. The detailing in the beard is fascinating. I like the way the it seems so effortless, even though it is carved from stone.
King, Stephen. "The Shawshank Redemption." Different Seasons. New York: Viking, 1982. Print. (Page 4)
very good Evan, keep this up