"He didn't have to do this. Not the baby. No matter what he didn't have to kill the...."
Mysterious death is always intriguing. Death is never a fond subject, especially when it involvers the death of a infant. Where is the child's father? Is any one going to help? A mother wails in lament for her baby. The tears running down her face are enough to save her babies life. She pleaded with her God and her sons life was spared.

Morrell, David. Testament. new york, ny: warner books, inc., 1975. 21. Print
Author Uknown. Stairwell. N.d. None, New York. The Escapist Forum. Web. 27 Jan. 2011.
Romancer. Cry. 2000. Photograph.
this is from Testament- you must put that into the reference section every time