"We cant stay here. They came once. In six months they'll come again. The only thing we can do, the only thing we can do is hide."
I felt that this quote showed fear of what is to come. obviously someone is looking to harm, arrest, or detain these people. They have no place to go, but also realized they can not stay where they are. They have been in this situation before, although they managed to escape. There only option finally becomes obvious to them, hide. Hiding is the only way to ensure there survival. I believe they finally have been tracked down, and now must find a new place to hide and take shelter. They have six months to pack their belongings and disappear before there return.

Morrell, David. Testament. new york, ny: warner books, inc., 1975. 39. Print
Rugiero, Alberto. Angry Packing. 2008. Photograph. Illustration Source, New York.
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