When you are in a relationship, it is between you and a person. There is a bond between the two people. The seriousness of a relationship can vary, but you belong to each other. It is threatening and hurtful to see the one that you love show interest in someone else. It is personal. Something that was once yours is now questionable. Showing attention or making a bold gesture to even leave with another person is an insult in itself. A person starts to question themselves of what went wrong or what might be the problem with thyself. Others are critical about your relationship as much as you are about your own. One can only make assumptions of how something happened or what will happen next. In the novel The Snake this man is watching his woman walk out with someone else other than him. This presents a problem for the people involved. Who ultimately gets hurt in the end?

Mickey Spillane, The Snake (Bath: Chivers Press, 1964), page 159
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