“And great was the enchantment upon the jewel which men called the Orb of Aldur, for with the Orb could Aldur see that which had been, that which was, and that which was to be.”
The below image is an artifact constructed in Ancient China. The artifact reflects the Chinese ability to create detailed pieces of artwork that captures a mystical side to their history. Because of the intricate patterns engraved among the sides, the object seems to have out of this world connotations. The quote that I chose describes a jewel that seems to have the magical ability to see into the past, present, and future. Thus, the jewel has a power that cannot be found in any manmade object. The fact that mystery and exclusiveness surrounds the jewel holds its true power. I believe the image below contains similar qualities. Although it may not have any mystical abilities, there is something about an artifact that can withstand the pressures of time and still contains an intriguing beauty is a power within itself. When reading the quote above, it made me question who constructed the jewel and even what it was used for. When scanning through pictures, this image made me ask similar questions in my head.

David Eddings, Pawn of Prophecy (New York: Ballantine Books, 1982), page 28
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