In the novel the characters are talking about being inspired to paint a picture. If you have nothing that matters then how will the painting have meaning. I believe that this quote can relate to a lot of things in life. A person should be inspired to be able to fully complete something. Someone can try as hard as they want to try and complete something but it will not be as fulfilling if there is nothing to inspire them. People need motivation to complete tasks. I chose this picture because the circle represented the world to me and all the possibilities that are available. Then looking inside the circle it is the possibilities that are available if a person just decides to put in the effort and come up with a masterpiece. ALll the little things that can fit inside the world. So many things in life can be done but what good is it if a person does not enjoy what they have completed. The effort does not count in the same way when the work is not to its full potential. Inspiration can bring a person to their highest point the picture represents the endless amount of choices that are available.

Chuck Palahniuk, Diary Chuck Palahniuk (Doubleday, 2003), page 63
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