In our history, whites have been known to have white superiority which is why people of color are seen as minorities in America. Because popularity has revolved around whites, the white westernized culture is something that is highly wanted from many other races and cultures. In this quote, a prostitute speaks of her difficulties of making money because of her race. Since her skin was darker than most of the girls she worked with, she received the least amount of business. Although people may say that they do not see color, unconsciously people do. If she was of a lighter skin color she would have received more business because people, still to this day, perceive lighter skin colors with beauty, which leads to white superiority. Although the author did not need to be white in order to get business, her color and race was not good enough. When I saw this photograph I thought of the same issue the author was speaking of because in this photograph the people would be considered "minorities" in America. Today, we still see the results of the previous racism that existed in America (slavery). Racism will never completely vanish and this image shows that. It resembles the struggle that people of color in America suffer from. The people in the photograph look like gang members, and gangs are a way of survival when one thinks he or she cannot survive alone. It resembles that people of color in America are from low-income neighborhoods, neglected educational systems, and violence. Just like the author's situation, people of color, in America, do not have the same advantages as people of lighter skin colors, or whites.

Frederique Delacoste, Priscilla Alexander, Sex Work (San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1987), page 37
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