"I do recognize that Man has some restraint over Nature. Will power is a rather loose term. Whether it is God speaking to you, as you put it, many things make me spend my life as a decent citizen: the pleasure of work, the feeling of its importance. I would not like to use the word conscience."
During Jesse's trial Andrew Ryan is cross-examining Dr. Cleckley who is the psychiatrist that examined Jesse. The question everyone is trying to answer is if Jesse is sane or insane which would change the judge's opinion on his sentence. Dr. Cleckley is explaining that he thinks that people are motivated by many things in life, and there is not one single motivating factor. Although, he doesn't believe in a conscience that tells a person what to do.
I also believe that there is not one single motivator for the actions we take on a daily basis. We make decisions based on our morals, current situation, friends, family and many other things. The photo I chose is one of a man flipping a coin. The flip represents all of the factors that go into making the decision and the coin represents the decisions that can be made. It is almost like a game because one decision you make ultimately leads to another decision and some decisions can't always be made like you want them to.
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