"I want Indian Clothes," I repeated. "The kind my father use to wear only at night because he was too embaressed to wear them out in America because it is a racist society." (page 79; Acts of Faith)
I think this picture signifies a lot when it comes to the Indian culture. Just as Eboo in the book said he wanted to wear the Indian clothes like his father, yet his father only felt comfortable wearing them at night, this picture of the little boy shows the richness of the Indian culture with all the colors on him wanting to make it knowns he's Indian. Yet at the same time in the little boys eyes is fear, pain, sadness ... all these feelings stemming from the need to hide his culture that he's so proud of for fear other others not understanding his culture like in the book. And thus such individuals are forced so assimilate to American cutlure and thus lose their own. The little boy in the picture represents all the people in the world who want to hold on to their culture and roots as closely as can be but don't know how and thus they do something radical such as splash paint of all different colors on themself in an attempt to regain their roots that were lost.
Subhasishkarmakar. The Eyes Tell the Story. National Geographic. 2008. Chemical Tentacles.
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