"Daddy, i can't make it!" "you've got to. Take your time. Take it one step at a time."
Claire and Sarah, keats wife and daughter are leading horses through the woodlands. Sarah is beginning to loose grip of the moist leather reins and fears letting a valuable commodity out of her grasp. she yells for the aid of her father and does not think she can make it up the hill. her father is shadowing her every move from a higher vantage point and has faith in his daughter. inspirational words push sarah to percreiveir. Claire watches her daughter with mixed fear and a sense of pride. they made it out of a predicament, for now.

Morrell, David. Testament. new york, NY: warner books, inc., 1975. 181. Print
Byron. Horseback Riding in the Woods by the Inn. 2010. Photograph. Tripadvisor.com, Franconia, NH.
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