There is the word doll as an adjective and doll as a noun. In this context it is used as an adjective. Doll can be described in beauty, sincerity, sweet, and even used as slang (older days). Doll might have other connotations if said by a male rather than a female as well. With a guy it can be seen as a come- on or even offensive. As a female it can be a sign of friendship and in some cases sarcasm. The word doll is also a representation. It's something that usually all young girls had a some point in time. I had one. The doll brought comfort and something you took care of. Dolls today are portraying an image. There are dressed up and elegant looking (according to this picture). There many types of dolls in the world, they all represent something and mean something different to everyone. Even adults may hang on to dolls as collectors item or holding on to a piece of their childhood. Dolls are beautiful, that is what is being communicated in this passage; the representation on beauty.

Mickey Spillane, The Snake (Bath: Chivers Press, 1964), page 84
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