In the context of the novel the chapter is talking about the death of someone, this quote is not directly referring to the death of that person, but the way it is put in the context its make the chapter seem more appropriate. When I read this quote I thought of the show Dexter. We had watched the pilot episode in class where we learned that Dexter was a killer on the side. I had previously watched the other seasons of Dexter and in season four their is a vivid scene that came to my mind. When the wife of Dexter is killed she is found in a bloody bath tub. I decided to pick a different picture then just the actually scene of her in the tub. This picture is a promotional picture for the season 4 i think it is a little more subtle than the quote it doesn't show a knife or the soap stinging. The picture is mostly white, their are white walls, and floor and the bath tub as well. Then you have the bathtub that is filled with blood and having it come out of the faucet. The picture is subtle but strong in meaning. I see this picture as indirectly representing the quote.

Chuck Palahniuk, Diary Chuck Palahniuk (Doubleday, 2003), page 225
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