"Oxford, someone once told me, is a city of ten thousand students, all studying alone in their rooms. One day you wake up and realize you are among them. the university is organized around its residential colleges. self-contained little worlds dominated by adventures, idiosyncrasies, and hormones of British undergraduates. " (Acts of Faith, Page 120)
When higher education institutions such as Harvard, Yale or Princeton come up, preconceived notions of it's student immediately popup in people's head. But when it comes to Oxford or Cambridge, the two schools the Ivy league schools here in American were copied from, the notions of their students are of a completely different caliber. As Dr. Patel mentioned in the book, all he ever heard about students at Oxford, were, they all studied in their rooms alone for hours on end and that was it. Study, study, study never anything about extracurriculars of social lives, everything is centered around being in the books constantly and thus why i depicted it in this blog entry ; this boy deep in study mode. This boy also looks as though he is going to have a mental break down at any moment form the nonstop school work, it almost seems inevitable for anybody who studies as much as Oxford students are preconceived to!
Greggorey. How To Study Effectively . Esoteric and godless musings from a locked away sage. November 2010.
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