This story has a lot to do with God and redemption of others. When the priests get to Mars to save the life forms on the planet they notice that the life forms are just balls of energy that only can do the right thing and not sin. The priest's purpose is no longer needed and he becomes worthless. The energy is all that the men of the last world left behind. The energy is living to focus on God's will. I think that the energy is on Mars far away from everything because it symbolizes the fall of man to a sinful nature. I also think that the priests wasted there time to go to mars for the energy because the could be saving more lives. There is still a sense of hope left in the air also.

Bradbury, Ray. The Illustrated Man. (New York: Bantam Spectra Books, 1951), page 89|search|5|2020energy205BMultiple20search20criteria20specified5D|Advanced20Search|||type3D3526kw3Denergy7Call26geoIds3D26clsIds3D34303130313226id3Dall26bDate3D26eDate3D26dExact3D30
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