Tuesday, March 15, 2011


"Because of our society's reluctance to openly discuss sexual issues (in spite of a fascination with pornography), education about safe sex is being stifled. The television networks all have formal policies against running condom commercials, although they have no such compunction about running ads for tampons and disposable douches."

This quote caught my eye because I completely agree that Americans are scared to teach youth about safe sexual behaviors. But, if anything, adults should be concerned about the future of young adults growing up in a generation where sexual behavior is presented in all different forms of media. Most things we see in the media relate to sexual behavior whether we believe it or not. Like the author mentioned, commercials for tampons and douches are displayed on television, yet its rare and strange to see a commercial about safe sex or advertisements for condoms. Most schools do not have comprehensive sexual education because adults are scared that young adults will have sex frequently, when realistically sex is everywhere.
I choose this image because I thought it represented the contradiction that Americans have about sexual education and the exact idea the author focuses on. Abortions are a huge controversy and everyone has their own opinions about them. In this image the tension that the man and women demonstrate is the tension that exist in America 24/7 when dealing with abortion. People say that abortions are bad but as a country can we blame young adults for getting abortions if they are not properly educated about sexual health like the author mentions? Yes, there are many reasons why people get abortions like rape and much more, but our school systems still have partial responsibility, although not entirely.

Frederique Delacoste, Priscilla Alexander, Sex Work (San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1987), page 256.


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