"Running down from the track he had been afraid, afraid of pain and more afraid of damnation - of the sudden and unshriven death."
The boy's mind was changing, but this was one of his past thoughts. I mean he is entitled to be afraid of such 'track'... death is the only unexpected, unexplainable, and uncontrollable thing that man cannot understand. But what is being explained is the way he is no longer on this track and how he now feels fearless. I choose this image because this is what came to my mind: looking at death as 'good' and 'friendly' thing. It's a way to see death as a humorous thing therefor overcome it's fear. It's a weird topic, but it's the only certain thing that any living being has. So I believe it's best to look at death with a smile on, that way life can be lived to it's fullest.
Graham Greene, Brighton Rock, Penguin Books, 1977, p. 182
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