"It switched her thoughts away and he wondered for how long it would be necessary for him to side track her mind with the romantic gesture or the loving act: how many weeks and months- his mind wouldn't admit the possibility of years. Some day he would be free again."
Before the Boy had these thoughts, there was a conversation going on between him, Cubitt and Dallow, about him marrying Rose, but he does not want to marry. The Boy always has these fears and lets his nerves overcome him in such a way that it's as if he felt repulsed over a woman's love over him.
The reason I chose this image was because it captured the emotion of loneliness, but not the kind you end in because life's hard and you're alone because of it, but the loneliness you get and deserve because of bad decisions. I believe this is how the Boy is going to be in his end: wanting to be loved but afraid of it, and rejecting it because of this 'man pride'.
Graham Greene, Brighton Rock, penguin Books, 1977, p. 140
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