The quote represents a reoccurring headache that one of the main characters is having. Dealing with all of her drinking and the people she must serve in the restaurant shes works in. I picked the quote because I thought it was a very strong quote that said a lot about a simple headache. I chose this specific picture to represent the quote because I believe that the power of the picture represented the power in the the words of the quote. The shattering half of the face represents to me the headache and the tapping that is slowly making it all come apart. How all that their is to think about is what is happening inside your head at that moment. Slowly it is all coming apart, just like the picture of the head slowly tearing itself away. That the continuous agony from everything is pulling it apart and breaking away.

Chuck Palahniuk, Diary Chuck Palahniuk (Doubleday, 2003), page 121
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