"His eyes were the colour of water that had passed over decaying leaves,crystal-clear yet amber-brown. Oh,such a nice man!"

There was a stranger named John Smith ,who bought a volley of Missalonghi. When Missy saw him, she could not guess his age but immediately fell in love with his looks. Especially his eyes.
Sometimes,i can not stop staring at people's eyes because it changes color and makes me question why there are so beautiful. I think this is how Missy felt when she saw his eyes. I chose this picture because the eye is brown-amber and crystal clear which i think what Missy was trying her best to explain and to me, it gives me very mysterious and meaningful look.

There was a stranger named John Smith ,who bought a volley of Missalonghi. When Missy saw him, she could not guess his age but immediately fell in love with his looks. Especially his eyes.
Sometimes,i can not stop staring at people's eyes because it changes color and makes me question why there are so beautiful. I think this is how Missy felt when she saw his eyes. I chose this picture because the eye is brown-amber and crystal clear which i think what Missy was trying her best to explain and to me, it gives me very mysterious and meaningful look.
Colleen McCullough,The Ladies Of Missalonghi,publish by arrangement with Haper & Row,1987, pg37
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