This was taken from the story The Rocket Man. I felt like this quote explained the fear and symbolism. The sun which is suppose to support life has now taken a life. The son no longer appreciates the sun because it has taken his father away from him and killed him. When he explains to us that the sun was always in the sky he feels doomed. It is a constant reminder that it took away his father. I find it so interesting how the contrast is and the tables have turned about the sun. The wife and son now have to live in fear of the sun which can't be good for any of them. They can come out when it rains though. The sun is described in horrible words and is recognized as a enemy now. This just tell me how daring a person is trying to mess with something that isn't suppose to be messed the sun.

Bradbury, Ray. The Illustrated Man. (New York: Bantam Spectra Books, 1951). Page 74|search|5|2020the20sun205BMultiple20search20criteria20specified5D|Advanced20Search|||type3D3526kw3Dthe20sun7Call26geoIds3D26clsIds3D34303130313226id3Dall26bDate3D26eDate3D26dExact3D30
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