In this portrait there is a mother breast-feeding her three children. I related this image to the quote because of the way the character describes the woman's breast he was admiring reminded me of how a baby (if able to speak) would describe a mother's breasts. Breasts are "shelter", comfort, home for a child. And even though the character looked at the breasts he describes with a sexual desire I could easily compare it to a child's pure desire and need for comfort and safeness. The portrait provides the audience with the sense of motherhood and comfort towards a child's need. Looking at the image with the eyes of a child who never really felt a connection of mother and child, I believe it was a very touching portrait.

Graham Greene, Brighton Rock, Penguin Group, 1977, page 10|search|1|mother20breastfeeding|Multiple20Collection20Search|||type3D3126kw3Dmother20breastfeeding26id3Dall26name3D
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