Friday, January 28, 2011

Danielle Grava Post # 1/14


"Every cloud has its silver lining, at least that's the way I figure it. I mean, if we didn't have the rain we wouldn't have the rainbows, now would we?"
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Myall Budden #1/14
“Don’t you so much as breathe one word of this nonsense to Durnik or anyone else,” she said, her dark eyes burning into his with a fire he had never seen there before.
Words can affect someone as much as they let them. On the other hand, there is something about a person’s eyes that can raise a profound amount of emotion. Whether it is a stern stare from a professor, a longing gaze from your lover, or a hopeless gape from someone in need, eyes have a certain quality that makes them extremely powerful. It is widely known that art has the ability to capture beauty in a variety of ways, but some works of art are so intriguing simply because of how the artist painted the persons eyes. Take for example the Mona Lisa, her eyes gaze deep into your soul and it seems that she understands you. The above quote takes a similar artistic approach, and as a reader, I could feel the intensity through the description of the eyes. I have felt the same stare, so I could almost immediately relate to Durnik and feel the emotion that the author is trying to portray. Thus, the image I chose is one of a lady with quite a stern look, with very dark, mysterious eyes. As I was scrolling through pictures, the ladies eyes initially caught my attention and I could almost feel the same emotions as when I read the quote listed above. It is as if her eyes were staring into mine with a certain intensity that made me feel quite attached to her immediately.

David Eddings, Pawn of Prophecy (New York: Ballantine Books, 1982), page 15
Sarah Jacoby Blog Post #1/14
Hessa Al Rumaihi Blog # 1/14
Gavin Berry Journal # 1/14.
Waiting at the bottom of a steep dark stairway is the unknown, and questioning. the two figures are hidden in the shadows and can only be seen by Kess. Kess does not know the specifics for their visit, but they patiently wait for him to descend into the darkness, he can sense the dark feelings. This photograph shows the fear Kess is feeling while descending the staircase, the darkness provides the gray area for the unknown of what could occur.
Morrell, David. Testament. new york, ny: warner books, inc., 1975. 21. Print
Author Uknown. Stairwell. N.d. None, New York. The Escapist Forum. Web. 27 Jan. 2011.
Carly Gaffney Blog #1
Dark eerie streets are usually an underlying meaning for something bad that is going to happen. Like a full moon or a black cat, it is an indicator of potential trouble. I used The Pont Neuf image because I got that same eerie feeling from the picture as I did from the quote by Mickey Spillane. I feel like I can actually see the dampness in the picture as if it were a film clip. I can only imagine what being on that street will reveal.

Mickey Spillane, The Snake (Bath: Chivers Press, 1964), page 78
Emiri Hashimoto #1/14posts
We might have experienced the situation when we had an argument with our family or friends that you were so emotional and tried to get away with it. The quote i chose was from where Missy, the main character, was yelled by her sister and she could not control herself which ended up run away from home. I chose this image because a girl in the picture looks in a hurry going somewhere ,also it gives me a image of when Missy is let herself out from home.
Colleen Mccullough, The Ladies Of Missalonghi,(Harper&Row,Publishers,Inc)Page 19
DANA SAYDAK #1 of 14
Chapman is referring to intercourse as a terrifying experience for him. Chapman doesn't seem to enjoy the unknown and finds it utterly frightening as opposed to anything else. The image I chose is of a tornado that is swallowing up everything in its way. The connection I drew between the quote and the image were that they were both swallowing up the unknown. In Champan's situation he was the one being swallowed up and the image is of the tornado swallowing up everything in its way. I imagine, this is what Chapman feel like is taking place with he is having sex.
Jack Jones, Let Me Take You Down (London: Virgin Publishing, 1992), page
Arron Lambie, Blog # 1/14
It shows how much a woman is disgusted by the men around her. and how she says all of you shows that she isnt leaving anyone out. " dirty filthy pigs!" these three words sum up everything any woman would want to tell a man from cheating to lying to anything else. And I find this image suitable because i think that most men who are called pigs are men with suits or in other words business men, or at least thats how i pictured it.

Stephen King. Gerald's game (the penguin group,1992), pg.11
Ashley Hushka, Blog #1/ 14
As they say, honesty is the best policy, but sometimes in life we are put in situations where there is an exception to that policy. I'm not saying go around and be untruthful, but it is sometimes okay to stretch the truth for the benefit of the other individual. Parents seem to "lie" to their children for many years about how things work, or simply about Santa Claus. They don't do this to be bad parents, they do this because at that time their children are not prepared for the truth and are still innocent. This quote by Thomas Pynchon reminded me of how I may have not always been told the truth, but I still ended up happy and satisfied.

Thomas Pynchon, Vineland (Canada: Little, Brown and Company, 1990), pg. 17
Ala Salem, #1 of 14 posts
Back in the earlier twentieth century, advanced technology existed in the form of larger, much complicated machinery. However, they were not provided to the entire public. Such technology was available only for people who were working for the government. The military used these forms of technology heavily. Military officials stationed such gizmos and gadgets in large vehicles. Also, they depended on them for navigation, communication, and locating the enemy. This is why I chose University of California, San Diego's "Military Ship: Carrier USS America", and this photo was taken in 1986.
Dave Wolverton. A Very Strange Trip. (Bridge Publications Inc. 1999) page 25
Katie Faunce Post #1
"Sunday, February 13th, was a particularly foggy day. There was no sky, only a transparent tent that draped the tops of the oaks sheltering Savannah's squares and avenues. The world was black and white and shades of grey."
Murray Silver, Behind the Moss Curtain (Bonaventure, 2005), pg 23

KRISTIN HOLLOWAY #1 of 14 posts

People view themselves in all different aspects when looking in a mirror or at a picture, but does that really mean they know best? Their tends to be flaws oneself sees that others may not. For someone to find every imperfection on their face every wrinkle or frown line, or the way ones face moves during a laugh, scream or scare. The image I choose to represent the quote is Between Two Worlds by Jon Seri. The picture represents different faces and expressions that someone could see when they look in a mirror or how a tragic event can be shown all over a face. When comparing to the quote it made me realize that you think you may truly know your face and every flaw. That when you look at yourself that's just who you are, but the painting shows more it express that their is more than just a face with eyes and a mouth on it. That the face you see in the mirror may not be the face that everyone around you sees. The picture to me represents all the different looks people are capable of seeing when facing a mirror.
Chuck Palahniuk, Diary Chuck Palahniuk (Doubleday, 2003), page 2
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I believe that in every individual's mind there are millions of emotions that run through our brain when a certain situation occurs. Even though our facial expressions are not capablet of changing as quickly as our thoughts, we tend to narrow down our emotions and physically express the biggest thought that made an impact in us. I chose Nan Goldin's picture self-portrait with eyes turned inward, because I believe it represents how facial expressions act as a system. I felt that when I was reading the quote, while starring at the picture I could notice the transition of emotions leading to the final product of a dissapointed face. She holds the eye look I thought of when I read this quote.
Charles Willeford, Cockfighter (New York: Vintage Books, 1972), page 21
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Life can take us on crazy adventures with fatefully introducing us to potentially some of the most significant people in our lives. The image I chose to associate with Jim Thompson's descriptions is Jonathan Borofsky's 4 shapes coming together in a dream. This is why I chose this image....
Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me (New York: Vantage Books, 1991), page 30